Recently i was finding a way across generating XSD from Oracle Tables. I found a way as below which fulfills my requirement.
Create a plsql function in oracle as below, i used oracle 10G
create or replace function GENERATE_XSD(target_table varchar2) return xmltype as xmlSchema XMLTYPE; begin select xmlElement( "xsd:schema", xmlAttributes( '' as "xmlns:xsd", '' as "xmlns:xdb" ), xmlElement( "xsd:element", xmlAttributes( 'ROWSET' as "name", 'rowset' as "type" ) ), xmlElement( "xsd:complexType", xmlAttributes ( 'rowset' as "name" ), xmlElement ( "xsd:sequence", xmlElement ( "xsd:element", xmlAttributes ( 'ROW' as "name", table_name || '_T' as "type", 'unbounded' as "maxOccurs" ) ) ) ), xmlElement ( "xsd:complexType", xmlAttributes ( table_name || '_T' as "name" ), xmlElement ( "xsd:sequence", ( xmlAgg(ELEMENT) ) ) ) ) into xmlSchema from ( select TABLE_NAME, INTERNAL_COLUMN_ID, case when DATA_TYPE in ('VARCHAR2', 'CHAR') then xmlElement ( "xsd:element", xmlattributes ( column_name as "name", decode(NULLABLE, 'Y', 0, 1) as "minOccurs", column_name as "xdb:SQLName", DATA_TYPE as "xdb:SQLTYPE" ), xmlElement ( "xsd:simpleType", xmlElement ( "xsd:restriction", xmlAttributes ( 'xsd:string' as "base" ), xmlElement ( "xsd:maxLength", xmlAttributes ( DATA_LENGTH as "value" ) ) ) ) ) when DATA_TYPE = 'DATE' then xmlElement ( "xsd:element", xmlattributes ( column_name as "name", --'xsd:dateTime' as "type", 'xsd:date' as "type", decode(NULLABLE, 'Y', 0, 1) as "minOccurs", column_name as "xdb:SQLName", DATA_TYPE as "xdb:SQLTYPE" ) ) when DATA_TYPE = 'NUMBER' then xmlElement ( "xsd:element", xmlattributes ( column_name as "name", decode(DATA_SCALE, 0, 'xsd:integer', 'xsd:double') as "type", decode(NULLABLE, 'Y', 0, 1) as "minOccurs", column_name as "xdb:SQLName", DATA_TYPE as "xdb:SQLTYPE" ) ) else xmlElement ( "xsd:element", xmlattributes ( column_name as "name", 'xsd:anySimpleType' as "type", decode(NULLABLE, 'Y', 0, 1) as "minOccurs", column_name as "xdb:SQLName", DATA_TYPE as "xdb:SQLTYPE" ) ) end ELEMENT from user_tab_cols c where TABLE_NAME = target_table order by internal_column_id ) group by TABLE_NAME; return xmlSchema; end;
Run it as below ::
select GENERATE_XSD('EMPLOYEE_SALARY_TABLE').extract('/*') from dual;
Dont forget to put '.extract('/*')' before from dual.
Ujjwal Soni
Hi...thanks for the post..I just need to do the opposite. I've a XML schema(.xsd) file and need to create Oracle tables from to match the XML schema. How can I do that?
Send me ur email address, i can send you a document for that.
Hi, i have an xsd and an xml. can i associate the xsd with the xml So tht i can view the values in the xml arranged in columns. my mail id is . Please mail me the procedure
I've a XML schema(.xsd) file and need to create Oracle tables from to match the XML schema. How can I do that?
OK.. I need exactly what this function i saying it produces, but when I run this function in SQL Developer, I get an error "ORA-22275: invalid LOB locator specified". This table does not have any LOBs, so I am guessing it is talking about the output. Any ideas?
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